Fishing Regulations

Use of juglines, throwlines and trotlines is prohibited in this lake. Statewide bag and size limits apply to all species with the exception of largemouth bass, which is subject to a 14- to 24-inch slot limit. Bass 14 inches and less or 24 inches or greater in length may be retained. Only one bass 24 inches or greater may be retained each day.

Angling Opportunities

Largemouth bass are the most sought after sport fish in Gibbons Creek Reservoir. This reservoir has a history of producing numerous largemouth bass larger than 10 pounds. The current lake record is 16.17 pounds. Channel, blue, and flathead catfish are all abundant with catches of trophy blue and flathead catfish quite common. Crappie fishing has been very good in the past but is somewhat slower today. Crappie of good sizes can still be caught in the early spring. Bluegill are also abundant in the reservoir but do not grow to very large sizes.

Fishing Cover/Structure

Shoreline areas of the reservoir contain a light to moderate cover of hydrilla with standing timber quite thick along the creeks. American lotus is also quite dense in the upper creeks.

Tips & Tactics

The opportunity to catch a trophy largemouth bass at Gibbons Creek is greatest from mid-January through March. Anglers are most successful fishing in the warmer areas of the lake near the heated discharge with a variety of crank baits and spinners. During summer, schooling bass can be found in deeper water over structure. Anglers catch these fish primarily on Carolina-rigged plastic worms. Catfish can be caught most any time of year on a variety of natural baits. For flathead cats, anglers are most successful fishing with live shad in or near the discharge.


Our bait recommendations

Here's the baits that our Pros love for this lake.