Located in south central Oklahoma's Arbuckle Country, Konawa Lake is a world class bass fishing lake that is open for fun and enjoyment all year. Constructed and owned by OG&E in the town of Konawa, the reservoir was built to produce electricity and to provide cooling water to the power plant but the secondary benefits of a top recreational site is enjoyed by locals and visitors.
"Konawa" is an Indian word that means "string of beads". As the sunlight danced across the morning dew on the railroad tracks, the early settlers thought that at first glance it looked like a long beautiful string of beads. The town began in 1903 as a small railroad town in Indian Territory of the Seminole Nation. In 1926, the discovery of oil in the area changed the local economy and the town grew with oil industry.
With facilities for swimming and beaches, areas for picnicking, and numerous ramps for boating and waterskiing, Konawa Lake is great for a day on the water. But over the years, the fishing at Konawa Lake has gained great popularity and has been named as one of Oklahoma's fishing "hot spots." The lake currently holds the state fishing record for a smallmouth buffalo caught weighing in at 44 pounds 2 ounces. Other species include northern largemouth bass, channel catfish, bluegill, flathead catfish, blue catfish, Florida largemouth bass, inland silversides, threadfin shad, hybrid largemouth, hybrid striped bass, hybrid white bass, white crappie, black crappie, gizzard shad, carp, river carpsucker, freshwater drum, tilapia, red shiner, and green sunfish. Local guides are available and waiting to help you reel in a record catch.
Our bait recommendations
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Customer Favorites For This Lake
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