Walnut Creek is the second largest and second most popular creek for steelhead fishing. Walnut begins south of the Millcreek Mall (which is just east of the Kearsarge exit, Exit 41, of Interstate 79). It flows northwest through Millcreek Township, north through Fairview Township and enters Lake Erie east of the town of Fairview.

The Fish and Boat Commission stocks Walnut with steelhead, but not brown trout, and it is NOT an approved trout water. During the summer and fall, the lower reaches of Walnut hold bass, panfish, catfish and carp. Like the other creeks in the watershed, by June most parts of the creek are low and too warm for trout and the fishing for steelhead is over.

During early fall, steelhead may not get beyond the Manchester Hole just south of the first bridge. The fish move upstream as the season wears on. By winter, steelhead can usually be found all the way upstream to the Millcreek Mall.

The Fish and Boat Commission maintains the Walnut Creek Access Area at the mouth of the creek. There is a nice marina with lighted paved parking lots, a building with Fish and Boat officials, a weigh station and rest rooms. Licenses and ice can be purchased here. Crowds are heavy at the Access area in the fall and early winter months. The PFBC has made many noticeable improvements to the area to accommodate the angling and boating pressure and future improvements are in the works. The building closes in December after the marina closes.

The mouth and access area can be reached from State Route 5 by turning north on either Dutch Road (Township Road 4007 - beside the Walnut Creek Grill) to the west of the creek, or Manchester Road (also Township Road 4007) to the east of the creek. There is a sign for the access area at the intersection of Route 5 and Manchester Road. Follow either road north to the access area.

Our bait recommendations

Here's the baits that our Pros love for this lake.