The lake has a steep to shallow rocky shoreline and shallow mudflats on the upper end. Water clarity is usually very good. Eight fishing piers and many rock and brush fish attractors enhance angling opportunities at the lake. Fair to excellent populations of channel catfish, black bass, saugeye, crappie, white bass, and bluegill are found in the lake. Adjacent uplands primarily consist of native grass prairie. A diversity of wildflowers exists on the property and can provide outstanding viewing opportunities. Several small woody draws also exist on the property, primarily below the dam. Hunting is allowed but game populations are limited. The area does provide opportunities to hunt species such as quail, rabbit, white-tailed deer, turkey, squirrels, waterfowl, and prairie chicken. Camping is allowed (first come, first served) in designated areas along the north shore of the lake.

Our bait recommendations

Here's the baits that our Pros love for this lake.