The town offers small marinas, yachting and boating services, sport fishing, and a destination for cruise ships. Much of the tourism in the Golfito area focuses on the sport fishing industry. Many of the lodges and hotels have their own sport fishing fleets and experienced boat captains. Yachting, boating, water sports and beach activities are also popular pastimes. The beaches south of Golfito — Playa Zancudo, Pilon and Pavones — offer excellent surfing. Easy and safe water approach make it a relaxing place to stop and check in or out of Costa Rica when sailing.
The approval of permits for construction of a new big marina in Golfito has been a process that lasted over seven years, not without controversy. Environmentalists and local residents opposed this project because of environmental concerns. Among the many issues are, the lack of a scientific study that determines the actual environmental impact due to antifouling paint, coliforms, and oil spillage; and, the lack of space install a water treament plant. The Regulatory Office for Marinas in Costa Rica (CIMAT) ordered the Golfito Municipality, in early 2010, that all permits for this marina project must be withdrawn
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