Fishing Regulations

Largemouth bass are subject to a special 16-inch minimum length. The daily bag for all species of black bass is 5 in any combination. For striped and hybrid striped bass, the minimum length is 18 inches and daily bag is 2. Other species are currently managed under statewide regulations

Angling Opportunities

The reservoir has been affected by golden alga blooms, especially in 2001 and 2003, but it appears many species are recovering. Striped bass provide a fair fishery with good growth potential and strong fighting characteristics. The lake record is 34.19 pounds. An annual TPWD stocking program maintains the fishery. White bass are abundant and of good size. Largemouth, smallmouth, and spotted bass are found in this reservoir, though only largemouth bass are abundant at this time. The Florida largemouth strain has been stocked and helps provide trophy potential, as evidenced by the lake record of 16.02 pounds. Crappie are fair, and sunfish are present with some large individuals available for harvest. Channel, blue, and flathead catfish are all present, with some especially large blue cats.






Largemouth Bass















White bass





Striped bass










Fishing Cover/Structure

Most of the lake shore is made of large to cobble-size rock. The lower end has scenic rock cliffs and bluffs, while the upper end spreads into shallower areas with shoreline vegetations. Points and dropoffs can be found throughout the lake. Many docks provide habitat for fish, and so do standing timber and laydowns. At certain times of the year, aquatic vegetation is also found.

Tips & Tactics

Largemouth bass can be found throughout the lake and can be caught on any of the typical bass baits. Be prepared to fish 10- to 25-foot depths. In this clear water, try using as light a line as possible. Concentrate on submerged vegetation when you find it. Striped bass anglers look for birds feeding on bait driven to the surface by schools of hungry stripers. Use live shad or artificial bait. White bass action can be very good during prespawn and the spring spawning run, especially up towards the river mouth. Jigs and spoons or slabs are recommended baits. Catfish action can be good for all species. Costello Island and above are likely spots. Use cut bait, chicken livers, prepared stink bait, live shiners or sunfish. Crappie can be found around brush piles and docks. In spring, fish the backs of coves for spawning fish. Crappie will be found at different depths depending on time of year and water conditions; be prepared to search for them.


Our bait recommendations

Here's the baits that our Pros love for this lake.