30 Minute Ice Fishing Challenge | Putting the Monsterbass Ice Fishing Box To The Test!

30 Minute Ice Fishing Challenge | Putting the Monsterbass Ice Fishing Box To The Test!

@Wisconsin Wildman and @Burly Fishing decided to throwdown with a little ice fishing challenge on the Mississippi River in Wisconsin. Needless to say, fun was had! Checkout the video to see who won!

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#icefishing #fishingchallenge #MONSTERBASS #icefishingchallenge #burlyfishing #wisconsinwildman

Video transcript:

Jeff Burlingame:
What's going on, you guys? Welcome back to the MONSTERBASS channel. I'm Jeff with Burly Fishing. We've got Brandon with Wisconsin Wildman here.

What's going on guys?

Jeff Burlingame:
And we're collaborating here. We've got my guy, Paul. Camera guy, Paul, behind the camera.

I don't matter. It's fine.

Jeff Burlingame:
Hey, we got a little spot here on the Mississippi River. We're ice fishing. It's a good time. And we got the new bag. This is the February MONSTERBASS ice fishing bag. And we're going to try to fish everything that's in here. We're going to give ourselves a short time limit. We have 30 minutes, three guys, three, four holes. How many holes did we drill in here?


I think we got four in here.

Two, three. And then I get the bonus, yay. Losers.

Jeff Burlingame:
Three guys, three holes, three rods, one bag. All three of us are going to go after it. We got 30 minutes to do this thing. We're going to fish only baits from this MONSTERBASS bag. We're going to see what happens. We're going to see if we can get into them.

Jeff Burlingame:
So we got in here, just so you guys know, a little Drop XL Clam Jig right there. There's actually a whole bunch of them, they sent us here. We got the Eurotackle Micro Finesse Scud. A little plastic there. We've got, dude, nice little lipless here. Some Bobby Garlands, we've been loving these lately. For crappies? I don't know. That's kind of what we're fishing for, so the Scent Wiggl'r. We're going to try these babies out, BeaverTails. Someone's got to do it.

I'm taking it.

Jeff Burlingame:
We're doing it.


Jeff Burlingame:
Dibs. We got BEST fishing, little pink Curly Tail Grub there. SITKA Jigging Rap. And... Ooh, Vexan, little Crystal Reaper. We got all sorts of options here. There's more? Oh my gosh, there's more. We got the Lindy Frostee Spoon right there. A couple of little jigs there that we can try out as well. So,ƒ all sorts of different stuff in here. We are loaded down. We're going to split this bag up right now. We got 30 minutes. It'll be exactly 9:30 in four minutes.

There we go.

Jeff Burlingame:
So we'll do 9:30 to 10. So we're going to stop, hard-stop, 10:00 AM. We're going to see how many fish we each get. And really, the goal is, can we catch a lot of fish on MONSTERBASS stuff?

I think we can. There's a lot of really good stuff, actually, in the bag. Some stuff that I like. And I'm debating telling you guys about, so that I get to use it for the most part.

Jeff Burlingame:
Be like, "It didn't work. Didn't work. Don't use that one."

No, don't use that one. But I'm going to use it.

Jeff Burlingame:
"And send them all to me." All right, guys. We're going to get after it, so stay tuned. Let's have some fun. Oh, by the way, I don't know if you guys know this, but you can subscribe to this channel if you want to see more content like this, as well as tons of informative videos from really awesome fisher people like Wisconsin Wildman, and maybe myself. And you can also go check out our channels.

Yeah, exactly.

Jeff Burlingame:
So go check out Wisconsin Wildman and subscribe. Check Burley Fishing out and subscribe. Hopefully, we'll see you back on this channel sometime soon. Also smash the like and ring that notification bell, so you can see when we drop more content.

Jeff Burlingame:
Now, let's get after it.

Let's do it.

Jeff Burlingame:
Going to drop this line in. We got this little jig from Clam, and then we're using the Eurotackle Scud. I think it looks pretty gosh dang juicy. Hecking go, T-minus... Oh, we're already a minute in. We're already a minute in, boys. Tired stuff, get out. Oh, the BeaverTails?

I can't open it. Oh, that a boy. Thank you.

Jeff Burlingame:
Shouldn't have done it. Shouldn't have helped him. I thought this was a competition. Dude, your finger is purple.

I know. I'm going to do my little deal.

Jeff Burlingame:
Do it.

All right. So I'm going up against Jeff and Wisconsin Wildman here. I'm a little bit... I chose the BeaverTail, a little messy, a little messy. But I'm hoping the slime works in my favor. And I'm rocking the Clam Jig, same as them. Man, the juice is real.

Jeff Burlingame:
"The juice is real."

You heard me.

There's a lot of things going on over there.

All right. We're back.

Jeff Burlingame:
This is a whole lot of stuff.

There it is. That's the BeaverTail. The reason I picked it though, purple's been working. Purple did work.

Jeff Burlingame:
It has been working, yeah.

Purple did work this morning. So get a little hand wash.

Jeff Burlingame:
You're going to get a lot of hand wash.

And we're back. So bring it on, fellas. Let's go.

Jeff Burlingame:
Consider it brought.

All right, guys. So I managed to convince those two to not pick the pink plastic, which is going to work in my favor because I think it's going to work. So I'm just rocking that little Clam Jig and a little pink plastic. This little ribbon tail is a little big, but we've had some good sized crappie, so I don't see why it shouldn't work. It's a little bit different than what I've been jigging in this hole previously, so it should work. But like I said, I really thought it was going to be a game-changer for me and be the life-altering decision in this challenge. And evidently, I convinced them to not pick it. So it's going to work out. Stay tuned, stay with me. And you're looking at the winner here. If you ain't first, you're last, brother.

I like that the ribbon upsizes the jig a little bit. That's the important thing.

Come on, BeaverTail juice. Do your job.

Jeff Burlingame:
Use your juice for the power of good and draw in the crappie.

Beaver juice.

Jeff Burlingame:
Beaver juice, Beaver juice.

Jesus, this is so... Now you know what it's like to fish with Jeff and Paul.

Jeff Burlingame:
Yeah, Paul's an idiot. It's the worst.

The worst part is when I'm fishing and I'll bust up the classic, "Where are you?"

Where are you?

Jeff Burlingame:
Where are you?

I'm so sorry.

Dude, I will scream that through the back slough, and I know people can hear me around the area like, "What the-"

Jeff Burlingame:
I feel for the people hiking around lakes when I'm out on the water, just talking to myself. I'm like, "Yeah, that didn't work. All right, we're going to try this. All right, all right. All right. Where are you?"

Where are you?

I just need a fish on the board here, ladies and gents.

Jeff Burlingame:
Paul, just [inaudible 00:05:31].

All right. When I have a fish come up, somebody cue the Pirates of the Caribbean theme song as it's running up the Vexilar.

Jeff Burlingame:
I can't actually...

[crosstalk 00:05:42] And then... It didn't bite.

Jeff Burlingame:
That's alive. Beep-boop.

Got him. Got him.

Jeff Burlingame:

Got him. Beaver juice!

Jeff Burlingame:
Beaver juice.

Beaver juice! Beaver... Oh, it's a bass!

Jeff Burlingame:


Suck it, losers.

Jeff Burlingame:

Dude, look just for the fluke. For the fluke! For the fluke, dorks.

Jeff Burlingame:
Dude, that top of the mouth...

[crosstalk 00:06:10].

Oh man.

Jeff Burlingame:
The Beaver juice.

Right in the upper lip like a textbook monster [crosstalk 00:06:15].

Jeff Burlingame:
Good grief [crosstalk 00:06:16].

Beaver juice!

Jeff Burlingame:
Purple, man. Purple for the day.

See you, bro.

It doesn't bother me that he just caught one next to me. It doesn't bother me.

"I'm not upset."

It doesn't phase me.

Jeff Burlingame:
"I'll never cry."

Just call me the Ice Man. I've got ice in my veins, brother.

This doesn't mean anything. But also, why didn't I hear the... I didn't hear Pirates. I didn't hear Pirates.

Jeff Burlingame:
I don't have time for that. I'm trying to Scud right now. I got the Scud Missile rocking.

That's crazy. I can't believe you caught a bass, honestly.

Yeah, same. It was light too.

Jeff Burlingame:
The look on your face proved that. He was like, "Wait, what? Those aren't here."


Jeff Burlingame:
Yeah. You're like, "No, there's no bass." He's holding a bass, you're like, "No, there's not."

"No, no, no."

When you said, "I got a bass," I was like, "Mm, do you though?" I just thought it would have been... I'm just assuming that the bass you were going to catch was going to be like a three-pounder. Just didn't hear any squealing of the reel, nothing.


Yeah, I might tear this pink plastic down a little bit.

Yeah, I was going to say bite it.

I might.

Actually, you might just bite the curly off and use the grub part.

Sh. No, I'm just kidding.

"I won't do that." Instantly bites the tail off.

I was actually like-

Jeff Burlingame:
"What a stupid idea."

"What a dumdum." "Don't watch me do this."

Jeff Burlingame:
"Don't pay attention right now." I forgot we have those other ones too. Screw you guys' jigs.

Burley's going to go with a 180, completely throw us for a loop. That was his plan. And it's all on board for this one thing.

Jeff Burlingame:
For what?

"Everyone use the jig. Also, I'm using [inaudible 00:07:43]."

Jeff Burlingame:
No, there's that other box of jigs in here somewhere.

All right. I'm going to go with the classic five to six foot [inaudible 00:07:49].

Jeff Burlingame:
The Classic.

The classics of this morning.

Jeff Burlingame:
Classics ends today.

Since I just decided that it's a classic thing.

Jeff Burlingame:
All right. So I got these signature catch jigs. I'm going to shoot them everywhere. Here we go. We're going to just rip this baddy down.

Anxious to party.

Jeff Burlingame:
Getting weird.

Oh, we don't.

All that fish, feel like they moved out.

Mine did. Mine just did, but maybe they'll come back.

Jeff Burlingame:
I just went for the biggest jig in the box. God. Spent five years tying a freaking knot.

Five years.

Jeff Burlingame:
Five years later.

"I'm not exaggerating." Getting ready to-

Jeff Burlingame:
15 minutes, boys.

15 minutes. And it's, you know... I don't get suction at all.

Jeff Burlingame:
Competition number three. You're on the juice here. That was the first one.

Crappie seemed like they pushed off.

Jeff Burlingame:
I bet I would [inaudible 00:08:49].

If I don't get bit here, I'm going in.


Ain't first or last, baby.

Jeff Burlingame:
Bro, the Beaver juice. It's just clowning us dogs. Five minutes left. Everybody grabs a BeaverTail.


Jeff Burlingame:
Oh! I just got hit. Little guy, little guy, little guy. Come on, come on back.

Yeah, but a number is a number and where are you?

I might have to go bold strat here and just deadstick it and hope for the best.

That's what I'm doing right now. I wish they would feel [inaudible 00:09:24].

I need them to feel that way.

I want it to be a recent species, not a starburst. Okay, I want to be very amenable to what they want. Like, let's do this.

Jeff Burlingame:
What kind of starburst?

Well, we all know that yellow is scratch. So I would, if I-

I thought you were about to say, "it's good". I was going to-

Bro, I'm a human, man.

Jeff Burlingame:
"I am a human, man." "I do not like yellow starburst."

I mean, there's only a couple of ways to tell an alien. One of them is if they eat yellow starburst, everybody else...

Jeff Burlingame:
Dude, they're just picking this tail apart. Come on and take the hit! Oh! I'm going to turn this tail. Shoot.

That's what I just did.

Jeff Burlingame:
You didn't short struck people, but they are on it.

I tried to con these people out of a good bait and it's not working.

And it didn't work!

Jeff Burlingame:
He thought he made a play. I'm switching.

Nothing was going for big fish here, ladies and gents, we're going to see what we can do.

Jeff Burlingame:
It only takes one right now.

It's a tie.

Jeff Burlingame:
Giant, to say, in your face! It do be looking good. We got it. Here we go.

All right, no!

Jeff Burlingame:
Now this time we're going to get to hit. I will literally massage and kiss this fish.

Dude, there's so many fish right here. And I know if it wasn't for this jig and plastic, it would be working. But that's why it's challenged.


Look it, I'm telling you, dude!

Oh my word!

Jeff Burlingame:
What the frick?

Homeboy is sitting in a well!

What? The slap on a blade bait and just start ripping. All right. I'm going to go with the plastic change here. I'm going to switch over to what Paul's or I can-

Oh, good idea.

And the reef, because [crosstalk 00:10:51].

I would.

Jeff Burlingame:
Dude, that is-

I have a lot of marks here and I need to get as close as I can to white, I think. Or black, dude. If we had just a white or a black plastic. Now I'm getting a lot of looks out of the pink plastic. It's just, I don't feel like that's, you know exactly what they're wanting to see right now. So we're going to switch it up. You know, I should know what I'm doing. Right?

Jeff Burlingame:
You're going to get smoked on home turf.

Yeah. Andy caught a bass.

Jeff Burlingame:
And a bass.

Okay. So my jig is completely surrounded by red. I cannot see the jig. Just going off of pure feels here, ladies and gents. And guess what? It's not working.

Jeff Burlingame:
We've got a short time folks, doing it. Don't care.

You got to make a switch when it counts, you know.

Jeff Burlingame:
Seven minutes.

Perfect time to change to something else.

Jeff Burlingame:
If you're going to make a move, make a move. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh! Big Mark. Come in, come in, come on. [crosstalk 00:11:41]

Jeffrey has a large fishing to [inaudible 00:11:45].

I'm going to go for a really gutsy move here.

Did you just, didn't you just say you're going to grind out?

Yeah, I was going to, but since [crosstalk 00:11:53].

Jeff Burlingame:
I'm doing the five minute buzzer beater.

I'm taking this off here, I'm literally going to grab Burley's jig and pull his plastic off. Cause he did have a bite off of it earlier. And I'm going to use it.

Dude, establish dominance.

You know what? This is the things you got to do if you want to win. Cause if you ain't first, you're last. And we're going to get really gutsy here and try to thread this on as quick as we can without stabbing ourselves. And that's the juice that's going to catch me on right now. Here we go. Here we go. And get down in there. Oh, I got two of them running up on it. Come on here, Athens. I had so much hope for that happening right there. Cause two of them flew up on it-

Jeff Burlingame:
Oh, really?

And now I am very irritated that nothing happened.

Jeff Burlingame:
You should be. All right. Last flight. You guys got less than five minutes.

Jeff Burlingame:
You should be. All right. Last flight. You guys got less than five minutes.

I'm sticking with it.

Jeff Burlingame:
Oh yeah. Well, there's no time to change now. All right. We're in the neighborhood. Ring the doorbell. Sound the alarms. Two minutes. Create artificial pressure. To put them on their heels.

Jeff Burlingame:
Short time, short time!

Jeff Burlingame:
Oh man, this is going to be a one fish game. Shoot. 1:20 left. Wait till 30 seconds. Then change the bait.

There we go.

Jeff Burlingame:

There we go, let's go! Let's go.

Oh no, no!

Oh, clutch catch with the crappie.

Shut the front door.

I told you I had to save myself some time-

Shut up.

Steal Burley's plastic off his jig-


That he gave up on and caught me a fish.

No, [inaudible 00:13:23].

That's what you do around here.

Jeff Burlingame:
He gave up on that jig.

He gave up on the jig.

Jeff Burlingame:
The Clam Jig. Yeah.

I did what I needed to do to win.

Jeff Burlingame:
I'll show you something fun in 45 seconds when this is over.

I'm going to catch another one in 45 seconds.

Jeff Burlingame:
Do it.

30 seconds.

Jeff Burlingame:
Dare you.

I told you. I'm like the Ice Man, ice in the veins. I wasn't worried for a second.

Jeff Burlingame:
All right. I'm just going to drop on him. 30 seconds. Here we go. I am on, [crosstalk 00:13:46] I'm freaking on. Time.


Jeff Burlingame:
I literally had one sitting right on top of me.

I had Mark-

Jeff Burlingame:
Nibble, nibble, nibble.

That was awesome.

Jeff Burlingame:
That was a good clutch catch. All right. You guys, that challenge is complete. I smashed these guys. They really suck. They're terrible at fishing.

How many bass did you get?

Jeff Burlingame:

Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. He's just getting aggressive.


All right. You guys. So we wrapped it up, 30 minutes. It was a hard time and we had one bass.

Yeah, one bass.

Jeff Burlingame:
We had one crappie.

One crappy, [crosstalk 00:14:21].

Jeff Burlingame:
Last minute.

Like a minute left.

Jeff Burlingame:
Like a minute left.

Made a game time decision-

No, with a stolen plastic.


Jeff Burlingame:
He stole my plastic.

Stole it right off, his plastic.

Jeff Burlingame:
Which actually, also... That's what I was going to tell you. It was, I had it on. So I had this plastic on.

There's no way this will work.

Jeff Burlingame:
No, I kept it on, I went after it, but all right. So we used all MB Baits, caught some fish. It's been like hit and miss all day, as is. Right?


Jeff Burlingame:
So, you know, getting on them. They're they're kind of here and there, they're moving in and out. So we made it work, made it happen. That was cool.

We're going to do two more.

Jeff Burlingame:
We're going to do two more challenges. So here's the deal, obviously, you know, first of all, subscribed to MONSTERBASS. You want to see more stuff like this, you want to see more creators dropping some sweet videos? We're going to do lots of that. How to catch your PB. That is our goal. That's what we want to help you guys do. And we're going to help you have fun on the water. I think we had some fun right here.

Oh yeah.

Jeff Burlingame:
All right guys. So here's the deal. We're going to do two more challenges. One on our channel over at Burly Fishing and then one on with Wisconsin Wildman's channel. Wisconsin Wildman, so go follow. Like and subscribe to all those things and there's going to be a twist on each of those challenges, but we're going to go short timeframe again. We'll be like 30 minutes. It's going to happen right here in this shack, on this specific spot.

Let's go!

Jeff Burlingame:
But listen, we'll be dropping those videos very soon too. So go follow the channels and you'll find out when we launch them. So let's get after it. Thanks for watching guys. We'll see you next time.

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