Fishing the Lonestar's Texas Meetup

Fishing the Lonestar's Texas Meetup

Rick, Alex Rudd and the MONSTERBASS team head down to Texas to meet up with Fishing the Lonestar's Jeremy Francis support Veteran's Creed Outdoors and put the smackdown on some big summer bass.

Lake Lewisville has a reputation for being the toughest lake in Texas. MONSTERBASS has a reputation for smashing PBs. What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? MONSTERBASS happens. 

Video transcript:

Jeremy Francis:
So my name is Jeremy Francis. Fishing The Lonestar is the channel I have, and I'm part of team MONSTERBASS.

Rick Patri:
Hi, my name's Rick Patri, and I'm the founder of MONSTERBASS. All right. So, the team came down to Dallas and we're here for this wonderful cause. We've got veteran's creed, which is this tremendous organization that helps first responders, veterans, nurses and really takes them away from their busy lives and the stress of just the very nature of their jobs and takes them out onto the water, takes them hunting. I had this conversation with Jeremy from Fishing The Lonestar, and we thought why not combine a meetup with Jeremy at the same time as the Veteran's Creed event. We got together this morning and we were all excited. We met at the police department and lo and behold, they had police escort for us, which was really a first because it's 6:30 in the morning and we're sitting there and there's police everywhere. And they're escorting us down the street into the marina where we're going to launch the boats and kayaks.

Jeremy Francis:
Ah, now we obviously joked around because we weren't sure which guys were actually going to jail versus going to the lake, but we all made it to the lake okay. They really come out here and show up for Veteran's Creed outdoors and help build awareness for an awesome cause that they have.

Rick Patri:
Yeah, we launched the boats on Lake Lewisville and it was this beautiful morning. The sun was coming up. The biggest thing that I noticed was just the scenery and the wildlife and it just made for this beautiful takeoff.

Alex Rudd:
And so this morning was absolutely gorgeous. It was really cool. And as I'm putting the kayak in the water of the shatter or spawning around the trees, there's bass blowing up in them. It just gets you jacked up. It gets you ready to go. And so it was really fun morning this morning.

Jeremy Francis:
Now it's time to go on Lake Lewisville and show you what today was all about.

Alex Rudd:
So my fishing day was interesting to say the least. I started off the day by catching a little one on a wacky rig. My first Texas bass. Oh yes. And then didn't get a bite again until 11:45. And I figured out a little flipping pattern. I found a bunch of male bass of a garden fry went and did what I know how to do because back at home, there's a couple creeks that reminded me a lot of what this lake is as a whole. I did what I know to do back at home, which is like a flip and stick in my hand and go flip and try to catch some of these postponed garden fish.

Jeremy Francis:
My particular boats with Oklahoma's Worst Angler we had a few really good ones get away, like 4+ pounders. I've got video proof of that as well. We got to get the net next time. That's my bad. But the one we did catch came in at 3.6, we had a lot of fun, weighed in some good fish, and ultimately gave away some great prizes as a part of Veteran's Creed outdoors. And with Monsterbass doing a collab out here with them today.

Speaker 4:
All right, everybody else it's over. You can't... Scales are closed.

Alex Rudd:
That's what I did. And I was that close to taking it home, but unfortunately lost the last little one and came in second. But I got a kayak, so that's pretty cool.

Let's see. So the plan for tomorrow, what is it?

Alex Rudd:
We're going to go fish a private lake and I'm going to just go crack a bunch of fish in the face is exactly what's going to happen.

Rick Patri:
Nice. Yeah. All right. All right. There we go. Hang on the seat. Wow.

Jeremy Francis:
Front water fishing, Malouf Lake and south Dallas, where we're going to go a one boat verse one boat verse one boat challenge, but it's going to be a fun down the water. There's going to be a ton of fish caught, a lot of jokes told, a lot of memories to be had as well. Oh. Literally it was pulling line out.

Rick Patri:
But yesterday was a tough one. Today, caught some big fish. We had a lot of laughs really great time.

[inaudible 00:04:42] Hey!

Rick Patri:
And I can't wait to do it again. And we're looking forward to coming down next year, supporting Veteran's Creed because they have a great cause and getting together with a team and making memories.

Jeremy Francis:
What I'll say about Rick and the Monsterbass team is Monsterbass is probably one of the very first companies that actually allowed me to come on as a pro staff member. Now I was pretty small in nature in terms of social influence and for Monsterbass and Rick particularly to say, "Yeah, we'll give this guy a chance. We'll allow him to come on, work with us and try to grow together.", I think what I really enjoy is that Rick is willing and able and open to doing that with guys gals, to be able to say, "Hey look, let's find a mutually beneficial agreement here where we can both work together." Further fishing, further teaching people and making everyone a better angler.

Alex Rudd:
Rick and Rafi helped to support me in ways that are invaluable, because I can call them when I need to. If I have a problem, there's a solution that we can come up with together. It's really more of a family to be honest with you. And a lot of that comes from the fact that I've known Rick for dang near a decade now. And my wife works for the company and it's just one big family. So that's how Monsterbass helps me.

Rick Patri:
You know, the brand to me is really special. I hold it near and dear to my heart. When I started the foundation of this company was going to be the customer service. I think I have the best customer service on the planet. We try to solve problems the way that I would expect my own problems to be solved. And then secondly, it was going to be about my team, my brand ambassadors, the people that represent me that represent this brand. And, we really do run this like a family. I've known Alex Rudd. I've known him for over a decade. I take it really seriously. I don't like people coming and going. When I let you in I'm letting you into my family because this brand is my family. Because ultimately at the end of the day, they're the ones that are going to help me build the brand and I'm going to help them achieve their goals at the same time. So to me, this is very personal.

Jeremy Francis:
I will say I've been really impressed from Monsterbass to fly in, drive in, to do everything they've done to come here with the sole purpose and benefit is really to raise awareness for Veteran's Creed outdoors and help support this organization. It's pretty cool. It means a lot.

Alex Rudd:
Just getting to meet people, getting to see people again, building relationships. But when all these minds come together is when brilliant things start to happen. And as a content creator and as somebody in the social media world, sharing ideas with each other is so important.

Jeremy Francis:
We've had guys drive in from Tennessee, guys drive in from Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana. And of course myself, 15 minutes down the road, it's been great to learn from them. Visit with them, tell a bunch of great jokes, but also even to learn from them and how they like to fish.

Alex Rudd:
Because that's how you really start to build what you have in a better way. You start to learn things. You start to refine things that you already knew and being a lifelong learner is one of my trademarks. And so it's been a good weekend. Yeah, I can't wait till we get together again. It's going to be fun.

Rick Patri:
I got to meet people that I've spoken to for years, but never really had the chance to meet in person. So I think for the guys that got an opportunity to come down here, I think it strengthened our team and really showed the relationship and the commitment between our brand ambassadors and Monsterbass as a brand.

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April Breakdown | Platinum Series

April Breakdown | Platinum Series

Posted by Rick Patri
