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Video transcript:
What's going on? I'm Rick. This is the box, and it's November, and we're breaking it down. Now, why the box? I know. Supply chain issues finally hit MONSTERBASS. We got enough bags for this month, but next month, we're going to go back to the boxes for about three months. Also, we got three months of killer takeovers. We've got Z-Man taking over the box. Lunkerhunt taking over the box. And American Baitworks taking over the box and their stuff will not fit in the bags. So we had to go back to the boxes anyways, but it's just for a short period of time. And we'll go back to the bags because we know everybody loves the bags.
Now, as you know, we break down the country into regions and send seven to ten different configurations per month. So some of the baits you're going to see here this month have been in the box before, but not in your region. So, don't panic. Just because you're seeing it doesn't mean you're getting it. Okay.
So let's break this down. Team Ark, these guys had their top water blower in our box. And as Greg Whitacre will tell you, Ark has quickly become his favorite top water bait. I think you're going to love this, ouch, this lipless. So it's a 63 millimeter lipless. Okay. It's got a slightly heavier weight design. And what that's going to do is, on the fall it's going to have this natural wobbling action. So you're not even going to have to retrieve it. It's going to act like a bait fish just on the fall. Also, because of the way it's weighted, okay, you're going to be able to burn this or slow roll it. And it's going to just flow through the water column naturally and it's going to run true. So you're going to love this at any speed. And this time year.
The seeker, okay. The seeker series for MONSTERBASS. Last month, I hooked you up. It's our brand new bait. I'm really proud of it. Last month I hooked you up with the six, which dives to six. And this month we're hooking you up with the eight. Now the eight's obviously, got a little bit of a bigger presentation, a little profile, what you'll notice about the lip is it's curve. So it's a little bit different than some of the other crank baits that are out there. And what that does is instead of hitting and deflecting, it hits and then slides and then comes right back in as you start to retrieve again. So I think what you see is it just gives it a little bit of a different presentation when it's underwater and we have the under footage on the seeker video.
So if you haven't seen it, I encourage you to go checkout. And again, you got the six last month. This month, you got the eight. We do have a 12. If you want that, I tell you to go check out and hook yourself up with a seeker 12. All right. What's else? We got a spin bait, love spinner baits this time of year. This is the Luck-E-Strike Rick Clunn Trickster. Now this one has, it's got a premium hand tied skirt. It's got Mustad hooks, it's got custom blades and what it's got, I don't know if you can see this, you probably can't but right on the back end here.
It's got a weighted bullet head on it. And what that does, is it allows the spinnerbait to track straight through the water column for better presentations. And you'll definitely notice a little bit of a difference on the retrieve because of that weighted head. So I encourage you to give that one a try. What else? Some of you are going to get this Strike King Red Eyed Special. Now what you'll notice about the Red Eyed Special again, it's got this one has TroKar hooks, right? Not all Strike Kings have TroKar hooks. This one has TroKar hooks. It's got a holographic baitfish pattern on here, let me hold that up on the willow blade. And so that's going to give you multiple looks in terms of baitfish patterns as well. The other thing that it's got is it's got this special ball bearing swivel.
I don't know if you're going to be able to see it here, but it's something that's unique and patent pending from Strike King. And it's really going to allow that bait just to literally like you're going to feel it, but you're not going to feel it so much that you won't feel the thud when someone strikes on that thing. It's just going to give you that really smooth action that Strike King Spinnerbaits have been known for, because let's face it, I mean, when you go back in the day, Strike King was known as a spinnerbait company and it wasn't until Kevin VanDam, and all this, that crank bait's became a bigger thing. But they make one hell of a spinnerbait.
What else we got here? All right. Ten inch bull worm. Okay. I'm going to pull one of these bad boys out, because it's big. It's got a little bit of that coffee scent. Look at this thing. All right. First of all, it's a ten inch worm. It's got that big bulbous tail, right? What that does... I love this thing rigged weedless, I love to see this thing, Texas or Carolina rigged. And I love this on a... I'm probably going to use a four aught, a three aught, four aught hook. We gave you some of those, some of the Sabertooth EWGs. You can rig these things weedless and I love that these are the ones that we had this month. We didn't have these before, when we gave some of these out previously, but these are in this black and blue swirl, which I love this time of year. The other bait that we also included was the fat free or sorry, the Fat Baby Finesse Worms.
Now this is, what is this? A five inch, so this is a five inch. I'm going to open these up too. Now because it's a smaller presentation, it's got ton of salt. Now, I don't know if you can see this. Okay. But look, it's like a finesse style worm with this big bulbus head. Right? And what that's going to do is that head is going to just displace more water for lifelike presentations. I personally like this on a shaky head or on a drop shot. I think it's such an underrated drop shot bait. And I do encourage you guys to give this one a try. So let's see what else we got here. These are salty. All right. Probably my favorite from Deep Creek, the Super Razor Beetle. I'm not going to lie. I've been waiting a year for this bait to be in the box.
Let me just open these up. God, would you look at this? Okay. I don't know if you can see this, but it's like a beetle like no other. Okay. First of all, this thing's impregnated with fish attractant, and it's got all these different appendages. So you, this thing could be rigged weedless, this thing could be, you could run this as a trailer, you could, I mean, you can run this thing a million different ways. But this is going to displace so much water. I mean, it's got such lifelike action, probably one of the coolest looking Beetles on the market or bugs, whatever you want to call it. I love this bait and these guys, Deep Creek Lures, if you're not familiar with them, Josh Ballard, this is a family owned and operated company out of North Carolina. I encourage you to check them out. Great stuff. All right.
What else is in the box this month? We got some TRD Crawz from Z-Man. We have some baits from Smartbaits. We've got some baits from Xzone. We've got a Strike King Squarebill. Again, I wanted to give you guys actually, I was hoping to have something different for you guys this month, but again, supply chain, baby. Now you're going to wait half to wait and get it next month, but we hooked you guys up with a Silent Squarebill... Or wait. No. Yeah. Wait, is this one silent? Yeah. Okay. So we've previously put the KBD Squarebill in the box, but it wasn't the silent version. Everybody loves the silent Square and this one from Strike King's a great one. So we know you're going to love it.
What else is there? We got some baits from Big Bite... At the end of the day, you probably got about 48 bucks worth of value in this box. Perfect for this time of year. And I promise you, get this bait from Ark, get it out there, give it a throw, try it. Like I said, it's heavier than... and then it's got a heavier presentation and weight design than other lipless. But trust me, you're going to get so many strikes on the fall on this bait alone. You're going to be thanking me.
All right. So there you have it. This month's box. Hope you guys like it. Comment down below. If you got a problem with your box, hit up Thinking about subscribing? Use promo code save10. And if you have questions about the box or whatever, hit me up,, I'll answer all your questions and hopefully you like what you see and you'll support the company. Thank you guys so much. And I'll see you guys in December with next month's box break down. Take care.
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