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Video transcript:
Oklahoma’s Worst Angler:
So guys, professor OWA, and I've got two of my best students here, Chuck and Larry. And then we're here to talk about school. Okay. Enough with the S with the school puns. We're going to put them back guys today. We're talking about targeting schooling, bass. What I like to use rod real line, all that good stuff. So we're going to jump into it and, uh, show you guys how I go about targeting schooling best.
Oklahoma’s Worst Angler:
Now don't worry with me being back here in the shop does not mean that you're not going to see fish. I'm going to show you guys some fishing videos. Okay. Cause I didn't, I did go out, obviously caught a couple and I want to show you guys exactly how I like target top water schooling, bass. This is probably the most frustrating, yet fun way to target schooling bass. And I absolutely love it. However, it is, like I said, frustrating, this is a very high stakes game, but the payout comes in the form of blow ups and pay out can be pretty freaking big. So the best way that I have found to target schooling bass is there's really no rhyme or reason, except for the fact of, I know I can go out there. I can buzz around with the trolling motor or idle on the motor, stir the beta.
Oklahoma’s Worst Angler:
And then what I will do as I will literally just stop and sit. I will not touch the trolling motor. I'll try and put myself in a centralized location from where I kind of circled around somewhat corralled bait. If you will. And just sit and wait. Now the thing was schooling backs is a lot of time. We'll see that single ring, see that single ripple out on the water and they're going to school there and make cast out there and you may blow it because they're actually going to school over here. So it's a patience game. Like I said, it's very frustrating. It can take a lot of time and a lot of chasing around trying to figure it out, but getting those blowups on top water, open water, special in their schooling. I just, I absolutely love it. I mean, they may not always be the biggest, but they're freaking fun.
Oklahoma’s Worst Angler:
So how I like to target these guys, the kind of baits I like to use. I like to use a walking style bait or a popper, whether that'd be a spook as a walking style bait or something like a pencil, which I have never used a pencil bait until now it came in the August box. It is called the Ark TB115, the top water blower, 115 millimeter pencil bait right there. You can see this. Guy's already got a whole lot of teeth marks on the top, right there. This thing has been absolutely sick. Now, again, I've never used a pencil bait until now, and I'm a freaking believer. This thing, pencil Baits. I've got to get more of them, but this has made me a believer in them because the walk on these is at least a walk on this thing is unreal. I mean it probably the easiest walking bait I've ever used gives off a great little spit, little pop. The walk is tight. I love everything about it, but I like to use a walking style bait or something like a popper as well. Now, big question, this color matter.
Oklahoma’s Worst Angler:
I mean, that's kind of like always up for debate this color really matter. I don't think so. I don't think color necessarily matters as much when they're schooling. It's all about the action of the bait. As soon as that bait hits the water, you want to get that thing working. You need to cause an erratic motion. You need to just show off and cause some kind of disturbance to where you're giving those fish something to target in on something to see they see bait struggling at the surface. They want to hit that. So again, when you are seeing those fish start to school up fire that bait out there and immediately work that thing as soon as it hits the water, because that is what is going to trigger that reaction or in that feeding frenzy. They're not going to be sitting there wondering, is that real or not?
Oklahoma’s Worst Angler:
They're going to see something struggling on the surface and they're going to want to get that because they want to get as much food as possible in that short amount of time that they have so same thing for us as short amount of time, as we have, get that bait out there and get that thing, working, get the fish back. The kind of equipment that I like to use on all my top bar. I've got braid. Now monofilament is another great one. Monofilament is great. Especially if you're throwing a spook popper, pencil, anything with treble hooks, the more stretch and the more give you can get when they hit that. The better. On the other hand though, you don't want too much. I don't like a moderate fat or moderate action rod. I'm using a 7 2, 2 8, 7, 6 heavy power rod. Now why heavy power? Why fast action for me is what I'm comfortable with.
Oklahoma’s Worst Angler:
A moderate fast is good. Fast with monofilament is going to be great because you're going to have stretch and line, but you're going to have enough backbone and enough snap in the rod. Now a moderate fast on braid is probably going to do you better. It would probably do me better, but this is what I'm comfortable with. And this is what I use, but I use braid with a heavy, fast, more so on walking Baits. I like to use the longer rod, the longer rod you're going to get a little more tip out of. You're going to get a little bit more load out of as well. So with those smaller treble hooks, it's going to stick that fish better, but again, get enough backbone to bury those hooks in. Does real speed matter? Not necessarily. I use a seven gear and I use an eight year.
Oklahoma’s Worst Angler:
I like my eight gear. And the reason I like the eight gear is if there is a ton of schooling activity and I miss a school, I want to get that bait back as fast as possible and fire it right back out that eight year reel is going to get that bait back to me faster than the seven year reel, obviously. So that's what I personally prefer, but you can't go wrong with seven gear to an eight gear for top bar fishing. In my opinion, the six gear, a little too slow. We'll do slow for me. Not what I like now. I feel like I've done enough talking. So let's just go ahead and show off a couple of catches on some top water schooling activity.
Oklahoma’s Worst Angler:
Oh my gracious. Holy moly. That guys mashed it. Oh. Oh man. Where are you? Hey, that's a good one too.
Oklahoma’s Worst Angler:
That's a good school. You're right there. Heck yeah. Got it. Nope. You got it. Yeah. You got it right on the outside though. Outside of his now. Well, top of his now his cheek, there's a Gill.
Oklahoma’s Worst Angler:
You freaking T-bone that.
Oklahoma’s Worst Angler:
So guys I say again, schoolers, they're not always the biggest, but they are a ton of fun. It is so much fun to just go out there and see them just come up out of nowhere and go into a full feeding frenzy and be able to get your bait out there and have them absolutely crush that thing. T-bone it just drag it down and under. I absolutely love it. I love everything about it. I really don't care that they're not the biggest fish possible. I just love top water fishing. And I love targeting these schoolies because they are so mean and so aggressive and so much energy that I just can't get away from. So guys, I hope you liked this video. If you're not subscribing to the MONSTERBASS channel do so. If you're not, I subscribe to my channel. There is going to be a link down in the description, hop over my channel. Give me a sub drop a comment. Let me know that you came over from MONSTERBASS. I would appreciate it guys. It's not too late. You can still get this August bag and you can get your own TB one 15 from Ark. I'm telling you if you haven't used a pencil bait just yet. You've got to try it.
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